• Gareth has a background in data modelling and health economics and carries out analysis of health and social care interventions to determine impact and value. His aim is to present the results of the impact in a pragmatic and coherent way to support clients in their decision making. In addition to his role at The Strategy Unit, he is a Senior Scientific Advisor to the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

    Gareth is interested in designing impact evaluations to provide comprehensive answers to questions of value and equity in allocation of health and social care resources.

    • Comparative analysis
    • Economic analysis
    • Evaluation and impact assessment
  • Gareth has over 20 years' experience in Local Government and NHS analysing data and evidence to inform decision making. He has worked with partners in the public sector and industry to support evaluation of information for decision making. He has been a member of decision-making committees at the National Institue for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

    Gareth has taught statistics and health economics at degree and post-graduate level and he is interested in knowledge mobilisation and improved understanding of quantitative and economic information.