Integrated care: rapid evidence scan
Exploring what integration can mean in different contexts, we have summarised evidence on effectiveness and cost effectiveness of integrated care, alongside lessons for implementation and considerations for measurement and evaluation.
Unplanned admissions: rapid evidence scan
Reducing unplanned admissions is a key priority for local health economies. This rapid evidence scan will help you to navigate the evidence base on various service interventions and their impact on unscheduled care.
The Effect of Demographic Change on Acute Hospital Utilisation
Recognising that the effect of population ageing can be overstated, we set out to ask what effect an older population will have on demand for health and care services. Here, we explain why typical approaches ‘overlook the fact that rising life expectancy makes … older people “younger”,…
Modelling Patients Flows under Potential Configurations of Emergency Centres with Specialised Services
Onsite, 24/7 access to complex vascular surgery, hyper acute stroke services and primary percutaneous coronary interventions are expected to be a pre-requisite for a hospital to be designated as an emergency centre with specialised services. This paper sets out the patient access and patient…