Paul leads a team that specialises in mixed method evaluations of health and care programmes, as well as providing expert advice and support to programme teams. Paul is the evaluation lead for the NHS Midlands Decision Support Network, a collaborative organisation that links analysts and researchers working in the region’s healthcare organisations.
Paul was the lead author of the Guide to Evaluation Design, Principles and Practice and his writing has been published in peer-reviewed journals including Evaluation and The International Journal of Research Methods, as well as featuring in edited collections from Sage and Elsevier.
- Evaluation and impact assessment
- Financial Management
- Strategy development
Paul has 23 years’ experience in applied research and evaluation spanning a career in universities and private sector consultancy before joining the Strategy Unit. He brings a wide-ranging perspective in evaluating major programmes across different policy areas, including homelessness, child poverty and children’s social care.
Recent projects Paul has led include:
Directing a process evaluation of the National COVID-19 Vaccines Deployment Programme.
National evaluations of the Rapid Diagnostic Centre cancer programme; and the NHS 111 First Programme (both with Ipsos MORI).
Evaluations of new technologies introduced through Herefordshire and Worcestershire’s primary care Digital Accelerator programme.
Projects delivered by the Strategy Unit’s partnership for the NHSX Accelerated Access Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Evaluation Framework.