Mohammed works in the space between academe and service delivery. He has 100+ research papers relating to health service research, healthcare quality and safety, evaluation of complex interventions, decision support systems and applied statistical methods. These include landmark papers in the Lancet (on variation), BMJ (hospital mortality statistics), and a prize-winning study that developed an electronic frailty index for primary care (Age and Ageing). Mohammed has a keen interest in training and development in areas such systems thinking, decision making, statistical process control and improvement science.
- Learning and development
- Problem structuring
- Strategy development
Over the last ten years Mohammed has delivered scores of highly rated courses on variation, systems thinking, improvement science and mortality statistics to senior and front-line clinical staff in the NHS.
Mohammed’s recent work at the Strategy Unit includes:
Lead for the NHS-R Community which promotes the use of open-source data science tools in the NHS. The NHS-R Community hosts the premier data science conference in the NHS.
Technical director to the AI evaluation with NHSX providing methodological advice in respect of evaluation, statistical methods and quality improvement.
Training and development programme lead for the NHS Midlands Decision Support Network, which involves developing and delivering education and training programmes for health care analysts and leaders.